Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Simple Tips to Achieving Happiness

Simple Tips to Achieving Happiness

Happiness is hard to define but most people are unaware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined never to be happy.
The good news is we can all be happy if we want to!

If you want to be happy you can be and it does not take much effort, just a change of attitude.

The tips in this article are small and significant so use them, to lead you on a path to true happiness.

Understand what it is that will make you Happy.

Everyone is different and different things make different people happy.

What makes one person happy, may be very different from what makes someone else happy.

You have individuality don’t ever forget that. Don’t worry about whether or not your desires are comparable with others, its all about you!

Make a Plan that you believe will make you Happy.

Your mood will become happier as your pursue your destiny if you feel better about yourself for going after something that can give you happiness.

You are taking positive action and that very important and liberating and makes most people happy.

Mix with Happy People.

It is easy to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who are sad and negative however, if you are surrounded by people who are happy this will make you feel happier to.

Don’t get involved in Self Pity

When something goes wrong, try to figure out a solution rather than getting involved in feeling sorry for yourself.

Happy people don’t allow knock backs to hurt them, they actually make them stronger.

Knock backs are part of life, its how we bounce back and learn from them that’s important.

Always try and see a positive rather than a negative in any event that knocks you back.

Think about You!

This will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and help you focus on what is important to you, so you can develop in your pursuit of happiness.

Love Yourself!

If you don’t no one else will - Spoil yourself a bit.

Whether you treat yourself to lunch, take a relaxing bath, have a massage, a meal or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance, you will be focusing on you and making yourself feel better.

You deserve it, never forget that! Happiness is all about Loving Yourself.

Laugh in the face of Adversity

We all have setbacks, but make light of them, there never normally as bad as we first think, make light of a situation which would otherwise make you unhappy.

Be Happy be Healthy!

Being unhealthy can have a negative effect on your moods.

Eat well, exercise and you will feel better.

Quite simply, these are the best mood enhancers of all.

You will have more energy, better health and see things in a more positive way.

You Deserve Happiness.

Those who believe that they cannot achieve happiness never will, they simply don’t think they deserve it.

Fact is we all do - never forget this!

If necessary, tell yourself each day that you deserve to be happy and remind yourself what steps you will take to achieve the happiness you desire.

Do Something Different!

Perhaps the quickest way to kick start your road to happiness is doing anything you ever wanted to do – ANYTHING!

It could be something like getting fit, climbing mount Everest, or swimming with dolphins – Whatever it is do it and understand that life is a gift were all blessed with, its precious.

There is always someone worse off than you, never forget this! WE all deserve to be happy seek your destiny and don't be afraid, you deserve it!

Final word - Be true to Yourself and above all be Happy!

Monday, August 13, 2007



New Delhi: Outraged passengers grounded for hours due to delays and cancellations of flights at airports across the country can now expect some relief.

The Centre will soon draft new guidelines to deal with a whole lot of passenger issues, which many airlines – especially the low-cost, no-frills ones – are ignoring frequently.

“We're going to take very strict action against those airlines which are callous towards passengers,” UNI quoted Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel as saying.

“I'm completely disgusted with such reports,” Patel added.

Within a month, he said, the guidelines will be in place and airlines will be made more accountable.

Also, airlines will have to compensate passengers if they are delayed for several hours for no fault of their own.

Patel said he is also examining legal issues involved. “Unusual circumstances are different but I'll ensure that air passengers are properly treated by airlines,” he said.

In recent weeks and month, travellers at major airports have expressed frustration, in some cases even smashed airline counters, due to sudden cancellations or unexplained delays of flights.

Importance of having Breakfast

Breakfast can help prevent strokes, heart attack and sudden death.
Advice on not to skip breakfast!

Healthy living for those who always skip breakfast, you should stop
that habit now! You've heard many times that "Breakfast is the
most important meal of the day." Now, recent research confirms that
one of the worst practices you can develop may be avoiding breakfast.


Because the frequency of heart attack, sudden death, and stroke peaks between
6: 00a.m. and noon, with the highest incidence being between 8: 00a.m. and
10:00a.m.What mechanism within the body could account for this significant jump
in sudden death in the early morning hours?

We may have an Answer.

Platelet, tiny elements in the blood that keep us from bleeding to Death
if we get a cut, can clump together inside our arteries due to
cholesterol or laque buildup in the artery lining. It is in the morning hours
that platelets become the most activated and tend to form these internal
blood clots at the greatest frequency.

However, eating even a very light breakfast prevents the morning
platelet activation that is associated with heart attacks and strokes.
Studies performed at Memorial University in St. Johns, Newfoundland
found that eating a light, very low-fat breakfast was critical in modifying
the morning platelet activation. Subjects in the study consumed either
low-fat or fat-free yogurt, orange juice, fruit, and a source of protein
coming from yogurt or fat-free milk. So if you skip breakfast, it's important
that you change this practice immediately in light of this research. Develop
a simple plan to eat cereal, such as oatmeal or Bran Flakes, along with six
ounces of grape juice or orange juice, and perhaps a piece of fruit. This
simple plan will keep your platelets from sticking together, keep blood clots
from forming, and perhaps head off a potential Heart Attack or stroke.
So never ever skip breakfast

2007 Tata Indiva

2007 Tata Indiva

Year : 2007

Make : Tata

Model : Indiva

Engine Location : Front

Drive Type : Front Wheel

Weight : 2161 lbs | 980.2 kg


Engine Configuration : S

Cylinders : 4

Aspiration/Induction : Normal

Displacement : 1405.00 cc | 85.7 cu in. | 1.4 L.

Horsepower : 53.00 BHP (39 KW) @ 5000.00 RPM

Torque : 63.00 Ft-Lbs (85.4 NM) @ 2500.00 RPM

HP to Weight Ratio : 40.8 LB / HP

HP / Liter : 37.9 BHP / Liter

Transmission Information

Gears : 5

Transmission : Manual


Seating Capacity : 4


Length : 144.101 in | 3660.2 mm.

Width : 64.001 in | 1625.6 mm.

Height : 58.501 in | 1485.9 mm.

Wheelbase : 94.501 in | 2400.3 mm.

Ground Clearance : 6.701 in | 170.2 mm.

Ways to Work Life Balance: The Key to an Individual's Fulfillment !!

Ways to Work Life Balance: The Key to an Individual's Fulfillment !!

Striking the right balance is the key to a fulfilling life. Whether you are spiritually inclined or not, the truth is that, balance is central to our very universe. The earth revolves around the sun and as long as that happens, the human race will continue to exist.

From the Upanishads to The Bible, from The Talmud to The Koran, numerous passages call upon individuals to lead balanced lives. Yet, in the rat race of our present-day existence, especially in the long-working-hours ethos of our industry, we forget to maintain a balance between work and family. The result is devastating; High levels of stress, trauma and even nervous breakdowns.

An individual's life can be divided into four basic quadrants - self, workplace, family and friends and community. All of us face the 'Why' factor from the time we take our first breath. And as we grow, the 'Why' follows us like a shadow. The manner in which we tackle the question determines the manner in which we function.

Why does one seek a higher salary? Why does one long for a better house? Why does one go to work? Why does one want to do well?

Why? Why? Why?

Two simple concepts determine the answer: the sense of achievement and the resultant joy.

Happier employees are more productive and more loyal. More productivity adds to a healthier bottom line. Work-Life Balance (WLB) enables a company to retain the best candidates for their open positions, increasing productivity even further. In short, there's everything to gain for both the employer and the employee.

Here are Nine Tips to a Better life:


Learn to say `No' if it affects your schedules. You don't have to be busy all the time.
Remember nobody is indispensable. Choose your best time to do the toughest work. Look for tools to improve productivity. Stay home once in a while. Don't carry the frenetic madness of the workplace home - rushing from cinema to restaurant to club. Chill out. Don't commit yourself to anything, especially avoidable social engagements while at home and don't feel guilty.


Sure, it's easier said than done. A degree of stress enables creative people scale new heights. But one must manage stress so it can enrich and motivate, not result in high blood pressure.

The best relief from the debilitating affects of stress is to 'take it easy' at times. Get your second breath and then tackle the problem.

Learning yoga or doing a course in breathing at the Art of Living Foundation has helped many a stressed-out individual.


Read with your child. There is nothing to beat a fairy tale to bond with your child, as well as improve your voice modulation. Get down on the floor and cuddle your little one.

Take a walk to the nearby park with your child and point out the flowers and trees. If you have a teenager, have regular conversations; talk to him or her about the birds and the bees.

Go for a movie impulsively with the family. Become a little child yourself. Buy that popcorn, cotton candy or ice cream cone. Nobody is looking.

Go on a holiday at least once a year. It doesn't have to be a long one. You can have a number of short holidays.

Get yourself a pet. There's nothing to beat the welcome you get from your pet dog when you return home.


A clean, orderly home reduces so much unnecessary tension. Everything in the right place makes existence so much simpler. Sit down as a family and assign each other tasks. Dusting books and CDs can have a calming affect on your nerves.

At the workplace, learn to share your burden. Don't take all the load on your shoulder. Learn to say `No' if it affects your schedules.

Trust your colleagues and delegate. Don't do their fishing for them, teach them how to fish


Sure that's a contradiction in terms. At the workplace we want the assignment done yesterday not tomorrow! If only we could bend e = mc2 to our will!

Yet, one mustn't get pulled in different directions. One step at a time, that's the key. Sometimes one must let go to see the light, to discover a new way of doing the same thing.


It's the most neglected aspect of existence. 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.'

Don't make grandiose plans: take a walk, go to yoga class, join a gym if you are so inclined, and take a swim. Take up a sport, any sport.

Eat a well-balanced diet; reduce junk foods and pesticide-contaminated soft drinks.

And don't forget adequate rest, meaning 'Please Sleep'


When something needs to be done. Do it. Never procrastinate.

Avoidance uses up more energy than actually doing it.


Look around you. There is so much to be grateful about.

Take time to list things that you are thankful for it will be a good reminder of how much is going right for you. Remember it could have been worse.


It's your life and as far as we know the only one we have.

Plan ahead: short term, medium term, long term and then work towards them.

Check out the sunscreen song by Baz Luhrmann, director of the Academy Awardwinning Moulin Rouge.

Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.

Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds know still don't.

Diet - Tips

The Eight Point Plan

i. Eat plenty of fiber, pulses, whole grains, foods made with wholegrain flour
(such as wholegrain bread), and fruit and vegetables give you the benefit of
fiber as well as its associated essential fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins.
Grains are better only coarsely ground.

ii. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially green leafy ones. These give you
the vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fiber you need. Peel the fruit as little
as possible (peel and pith are nutrient rich). Cook vegetables lightly by steaming or
stir frying, and eat some raw everyday to benefit from their hormones and enzymes.

iii. Cut down your fat intake (especially saturated fat). Choose fish, offal (organ meat),
game, poultry, whole grains, pulses, nuts and seeds, or sprouted seeds, rather than
red meat and cheese.

iv. Cut down your sugar intake. Use sugar as flavoring rather than as a food.
Avoid cakes, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, puddings, ice-creams, jam,
fruits canned in syrup, soft drinks, sugar in tea and coffee, and milk shakes.

v. Cut down your salt intake. Instead of adding salt to your food use herbs,
spices, fresh ginger, horseradish, lemon juice, tomato puree, vinegar,
soy sauce, vegetable stock, yeast extract, chutney, and other flavorings.

vi. Cut down your consumption of processed food to avoid the " empty calories"
of saturated fats, added sugar, refined cereal grains, and additives.

vii. Drink only moderate amounts of alcohol.

viii. If you are overweight, exercise more and consume the amount of food
and drink that will enable you to reach and keep to your optimal body weight.


Dandruff is common problem for both dry and oily hair. During summer, the oil glands of our hair
produce extra oil which keeps the skin of our scalp soft. At the time of dandruff, these glands produce
extra oils. It also brings about change which unbalances the structure of this oil.

There are two kinds of dandruff:

1. Dry Dandruff: Dry dandruff is identified with small white patches of rusting on our scalp which results
in itching sensation. While itching or combing this rusting sheds off. We can get rid of it merely by oil massage.


Add one spoon of caster oil to coconut oil and apply this mixture on the skin of your scalp gently and leave it
for half an hour. Thereafter shampoo your hair.

Take half cup of curd and put fenugreek into it. Upon fenugreek becoming wet, prepare a paste after grinding
and apply this paste to hair roots carefully and leave it for two hours. Then shampoo your hair.

Add lemon juice to the juice of Neem leaves and apply it to hair roots. Leave it for 30 minutes and then
wash your hair.

To avoid dandruff, we should apply a spoonful of almond oil alongwith the juice of Amla to the hair.
It also prevents premature graying of hair.

Massage your Hair with coconut oil. Wrap a wet towel wrung out of hot water around hair and shampoo hair
the next day. This must be done twice a week.

2. Oily Dandruff: This problem is faced mostly by those who have oily skin. This is identified with white minute
particles in our hair. While combing or itching, these white particles spread in hair which results into itching
sensation. Sometimes this dandruff is of light yellow colour and sticky as well. It also causes foul smell.
The continued persistence of this kind of Dandruff may cause falling of hair.


Wash your hair with a branded anti-dandruff Shampoo regularly.

After shampoo, rinse your hair with lemon juice or Vinegar. This will remove grease out of the hair.

Do not use Conditioner on oily hair.

Avoid excessive combing and massaging, it makes oil glands overactive.

Avoid mental tension, it aggravates dandruff.

Put two spoons of fenugreek in water and leave the mixture overnight. Prepare a paste and apply it to roots
of hair. Shampoo hair after half an hour. Repeat the process twice a week.

Apply fuller’s earth paste to hair and rinse them after they become dry. Fuller's earth paste opens up the
blocked pores, makes skin clean and thus assists in removing oily dandruff.

A Shampoo containing Lemon, Mint, Neem, Tulsi and Henna is the best option for oily dandruff.

Avoid excessive use of Hair Dryer.

Put Neem leaves in hot water, let it cool little bit and rinse your hair with it as Neem contains antiseptic
properties. Otherwise you can make paste of Neem and curry leaves & leave for 15 minutes & rinse.

Tips - For - A - Healthy - Hair --

Some tips for a healthy hair from the tradition of Ayurveda.

1. Like everything else about true, lasting beauty, healthy hair begins within your body.
Start with your diet. Include lots of green leafy vegetables and sweet juicy fruits. Dairy products
such as milk and fresh yogurt will also help. Fresh coconut is also considered excellent "hair food" -
sprinkle grated coconut over salads, diced fresh fruit, or rice.

2. Cut down on refined, processed and canned foods. Ayurveda considers foods with artificial
preservatives and chemical additives stripped of their inherent "intelligence" and therefore not
helpful in supplying nutrition to your body and mind. Ice-cold beverages also hamper the process
of digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

3. Cooking with certain spices adds flavor to your food and provides nourishment for your hair.
Cumin, turmeric and black pepper are some "hair-friendly" spices. Add a healthy pinch of each
to single-portion soups and stews as they are cooking. Sauté 1/8 –1/4 teaspoon each of the
three spices in a teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter) or olive oil and add to cooked veggies.
Roasted ground cumin and ground black pepper can be sprinkled over fresh yogurt.

4. Stress can be seriously injurious to long-term health and color of hair. Try and manage your time
and tasks to minimize time-related pressures. Practice relaxation techniques such as meditation.
Seek out tranquil sights in nature to help restore balance to your mind. Relaxing or uplifting music
can be therapeutic. Get adequate, good quality sleep to help the natural process of rejuvenation.

5. Ayurvedic herbs that help hair health include Eclipta alba and Gotu Kola. Eclipta alba is called
"Bhringaraj" - literally, king of tresses. It nourishes the hair and helps resistance to stress as well.
Brahmi, sometimes called Gotu Kola, also helps balance the mind and nourishes the hair and scalp.
Since Ayurveda considers the health, color and luster of hair so dependent on overall mind/body
health, synergistic Ayurvedic herbal preparations for hair can also include herbs such as Country Mallow,
which is supposed to strengthen the physiology, and Winter Cherry, which aids resistance to stress.

6. Stay away from harsh chemical topical products that can damage hair over time. Look for gentle,
natural cleansers and conditioners, especially if you wash your hair more than three times a week.
Shampoos and conditioners that contain nourishing botanicals are even better. Read labels carefully -
sometimes, products that say "herbal" or "natural" can include no-no chemicals.

7. A warm oil scalp massage two or three times a week will help stimulate and moisturize the scalp.
You can use good quality coconut, almond or olive oil Ayurvedic hair oils also contain some of the
herbs mentioned earlier. Apply some mildly warmed oil to your hair and gently massage into your
scalp evenly with your fingertips. Leave on overnight if you can, if not, leave on for at least an hour
or two, then get it out by shampooing your hair. The scalp massage helps you relax and aids sound
sleep as well.

8. Never attack wet hair with a brush, no matter how rushed for time you are. Tangles in wet hair
are best removed with a wide-toothed comb. Use a wooden comb if you can find one; it won't generate
static electricity. Excessive blow-drying can damage hair in the long-term, making it brittle and causing
split ends. If you can, let your hair dry naturally, then brush into place.

9. Last, but not least, brushing your hair regularly to stimulate the scalp will keep it looking healthy and
lustrous. Brush each night in all directions in turn - left to right, right to left, front to back and back to
front Use smooth long strokes from scalp to hair-tips.

Your hair can indeed be your crowning glory if you treat it right!

Note - Information in this article is solely for the purpose of imparting education on Ayurveda and is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult
a health professional.

My - Ayurveda --

1) Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

2) Cut some beet root into small pieces and grind them.
Squeeze juice from beet root and massage to your face for 5 minutes.
Shower after 10 minutes with mild soap or gram flour.

3) Mix sandalwood powder with rose water and add 4 to 5 drops of milk
in it and apply on to your face and body. Shower after 15 minutes with warm water.

4) Mix honey in water and drink daily in the morning to keep your skin shiny and smooth.

5) Warm honey and mix with lemon juice and apply on to face. Wash after it dry.

6) Mix Turmeric, sandal powder and olive oil and apply to body. Shower after 10 minutes.

7) Massage your skin with milk. Milk has moisturizer, it will keep your skin smooth.

8) Use humidifiers and keep room temperature moderate to keep your skin away from dryness.

9) Hot water blushes your skin and you don't feel fresh unless you have bath with little cold water.
If you have shower for a longtime, dead skin will be automatically be removed.
Do not rub with towel, be gentle on your skin.

10) Take food which contains more A and C vitamin.

11) Grate carrot and boil. Massage that mixture to body to get fair and smooth skin.

12) For natural bleaching: - mix milk and lemon juice. The milk will break as soon as you mix the
lemon juice in it. Use that mixture to massage on your body. It works as natural bleaching.

13) Mix turmeric and cream on the top of milk, massage that mixture to body.

14) If you go into sun your skin will lost the fair ness. To get your skin color to normal take
equal quantities of cucumber juice and tomato juice and apply on to skin. Shower after
10 minutes.

15) Massage mustard oil to your skin for 5 minutes and have shower with gram flour or mild soap.

16) Mix cream on the top of milk and all-purpose flour and apply that paste on to your skin avoid eyes,
eyebrows and lips. Shower after 5 minutes. This will make skin smooth.

17) Mix curds (yogurt) with wheat flour and apply to your skin and take shower after 5 minutes.

18) Grind rose petals and mix with cream on the top of milk and apply to your body.
Shower after 10 minutes.

19) Scaly skin is a result of fluorine deficiency. Fluorine is the anti-resistant element of the
human body, the absence of which creates problems in the blood and spleen. Since cooking
and heating foods destroys fluorine, it is better to eat uncooked raw fruits and vegetables.
Other foods rich in fluorine are goat milk and cheese, rye flour, avocados, sea plants and cabbage,
cream whey and cottage cheese.

20) Wrinkle skin is a result of Sodium deficiency and makes skin sticky. Cucumbers are ideal for
combating and preventing sodium deficiency because they are not only high in sodium, but also help
in keeping the body cool, a great summer's treat.

21) Skin rashes are the result of silicon deficiency. To avoid pus and rashes, eat plenty of sprouts,
alfalfa, barley, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries and figs.

22) Skin eruptions are the result of Chlorophyll. And are found in wheat grass and other
green leafy vegetables

Ten things we do to damage our skin...

Ten things we do to damage our skin...

So, you think you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat the right stuff, exercise adequately and look after your skin. Stop and take a closer look. Are you doing things that could inadvertently damage your skin? These silent killers may be the reason your appearance is lacklustre despite your best efforts.

1. Not drinking enough water

This is perhaps the most repeated advice and the least followed. Your body needs at least two litres a day to remove toxins from your system, partly through your kidneys and partly through your skin. Lacking this, toxin build-up will affect your skin as well as your general health, making you tired and dull. Keep that bottle on your desk, and drink!

2. Picking your pimples

We do it unconsciously, when nervous, or just as a habit. Pimples don't harm your face permanently. What leaves untreatable scars is your picking, pinching and playing with them -- scars so deep that even dermatologist cannot get rid of them 100 per cent. Prevention is the best cure, so stop touching your face and start proper anti-acne treatment.

3. Shaving the wrong way

And it isn't just men I'm talking to. Women who use razors for body hair also beware -- shaving against the direction of hair growth (ie from below upwards) causes ingrown hair, damaged follicles and introduces infections into your hair roots that can cause painful recurrent boils. Shave only in the direction of hair growth -- this will prevent damage to your skin.

4. Not using sunscreen on a hill station

You've gone for a high altitude vacation and the cold weather makes you believe you don't need sun protection -- wrong! At higher altitudes, there are lesser layers of atmosphere between you and the sun to filter UV rays, so your ultra-violet exposure increases. You need your sunscreen all the more!

5. Taking hormone supplements for body building

It isn't just the men, even women who want a 'toned' look quickly take DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndroste rone) supplements. These are known to cause acne even in normal skin, and flare up existing acne. Protein supplements are fine though, and actually help your skin.

6. Not reapplying moisture / sunscreen

Are you the jet setting type who slaps on lotion in the morning and then spends the next two hours at work without a further thought about your skin? Air conditioned offices sap moisture from your skin in a couple of hours. Also, no sunscreen retains its effect beyond two hours. Apply frequently -- at least during your lunch break, after a quick face wash.

7. Waxing your upper lip / facial hair

A total nightmare for your delicate facial skin -- the trauma causes tiny microscopic bleeding into your hair follicles that, over time, heal with scarring and end up causing roughness and pigmentation that is extremely hard to treat.

8. Going on a 'proteins only' diet

Fad diets deprive your skin (and body) of essential nutrients. You need vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and various micronutrients that a single food diet cannot give you. Talk to a professional dietician before embarking on drastic diet plans and get them to prescribe the appropriate nutritional supplements.

9. Late night partying

Your body sleeps at night, but your skin doesn't -- most of its repair and renewal work is done while you're in bed. Depriving it of the nightly eight hours of rejuvenation will obviously leave it looking dull and tired. Good sleep is a must for good skin!

10. Stressing out

Stress shows up after years on your heart and blood pressure, but almost immediately on your skin. So listen to your skin when it is trying to tell you something -- patchy complexion, blemishes, dullness, itchy redness, rashes appearing at periods of high stress, acne flare-ups -- all point to unwarranted high stress levels. Try yoga, meditation, exercise, or whatever your best stress buster is.

For - Healthy - Heart

Chat with Dr Devi Shetty, Cardiologist Narayan Hrudayalaya(The chat was arranged by wipro for its employees)The chat is given below:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q . What are the five thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?Dr. Devi Shetty:1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil,2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a longtime,3. Quit smoking4. Control weight5. Control blood pressure and sugar----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Is eating non-veg food (fish) good for the heart?Dr Devi Shetty: No----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person gets a cardiac arrest.How do we understand it in perspective?Dr Devi Shetty: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the ageof 30 to undergo routine health checkups.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Are heart diseases hereditary?Dr Devi Shetty: Yes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you suggest todestress?Dr Devi Shetty: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?Dr Devi Shetty: Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury tojoints.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do so?Dr Devi Shetty: Mother Theresa, who was my patient.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?Dr Devi Shetty: Extremely rare----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Does cholesterol accumulates right from an early age.Dr Devi Shetty: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do irregular eating habits affect the heart?Dr Devi Shetty: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body'senzyme release for digestion gets confused.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can a healthy person without a medical history has a heart attack due to stress?Dr Devi Shetty: Extremely rare----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?Dr Devi Shetty: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can yoga prevent heart ailments?Dr Devi Shetty: Yoga helps.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Which is the best and worst food for the heart?Dr Devi Shetty: Best food is fruits worst are oil.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. If a person has undergone angioplasty, what are the chances of the Stent getting displaced?Dr Devi Shetty: The Stent doesn't get displaced it can get blocked. You could prevent it bycontrolling sugar, cholesterol and taking medication to prevent clots----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Do negative emotions like depression or anger always cause heart disease?Dr Devi Shetty: Not always. On the other hand, positive emotions help recovery of the heart.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. I have read about music therapy for the heart and the mind. What is your opinion on this?Dr Devi Shetty: Guess it helps.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Which oil is better - gingili, groundnut, sunflower, saffola, olive?Dr Devi Shetty: All oils are bad; the so-called best oil company has the largest marketingbudget.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific test?Dr Devi Shetty: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmilltest after an echo.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How different was it in treating Noor Fatima, the little kid from Pakistan?Dr Devi Shetty: It was extremely difficult, Because of the media attention. As far as the medicaltreatment is concerned, she is like any other child with a complex heart problem.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. what are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?Dr Devi Shetty: Help the person into a sleeping position, put an aspirin tablet under thetongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary careunit since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due togastric trouble?Dr Devi Shetty: Extremely difficult without ECG.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can drinking less water lead to heart problems?Dr Devi Shetty: No. However, drinking plenty of water in normal people helps preserve good health.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Is it true that diabetic women seem to have 3 to 7 times greater risk of developing heartdiseases than non-diabetic women? Is it the same with high BP patients as well?Dr Devi Shetty: Women are protected by the hormones till the age of 45;after that their riskincreases like men and in general, the result of treatment on heart patientswho are women is slightly poorer than men.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What are some of the precautions during pregnancy to avoid heart problems in the newborn?Dr Devi Shetty: German measles, which causes congenital abnormalities in the babies; Nosmoking.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst youngsters? I seepeople of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and serious heart problems.Dr Devi Shetty: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also, sedentary lifestyles,smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are geneticallythree times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What is the right time to check the BP in any person?Dr Devi Shetty: Past the age of 30 and earlier, if you have symptoms.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80 and yet beperfectly healthy?Dr Devi Shetty: Yes.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Are there any symptoms for heart problems, which we need to be aware of?Dr Devi Shetty: Shortness of breath on exertion, and chest pain.----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------Q. If a person has had a heart attack, how frequently is regular heart check up recommended?Dr Devi Shetty: Once in 6 months----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay late nights inoffice. Does this affect our heart? What precautions would you recommend?Dr Devi Shetty: When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities.However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How can we find out about blockage of arteries, beforehand?Dr Devi Shetty: Routine cardiac evaluation by blood tests, ECGs, TMTs, Stress thallium scans,Cardiac CT scans for calcium score.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Does a recurring pain in the left arm signifies any heart related ailment?Dr Devi Shetty: Not always. However, heart pain can radiate to the left arm.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can we foresee the occurrence of a heart attack? Are there any indications that the bodyfeels before getting a heart attack?Dr Devi Shetty: Usually, you get chest discomfort or shortness of breath, months or yearsbefore the heart attack. So, when in doubt, go for a heart checkup, whichshouldn't take more than a couple of hours.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short /long term)?Dr Devi Shetty: Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensivedrugs are extremely safe.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?Dr Devi Shetty: No.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What are the chances of lean people developing heart complications? Are they at less risk?Dr Devi Shetty: Obese people are at a higher risk. Lean people also develop heart attacks,but primarily because of genetic pre-disposition.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q.Is it true that after open-heart surgery, patients loses memory recall to some extent?Dr Devi Shetty: No. Especially after bypass grafting on a beating heart, incidence of neurological problems have come down significantly.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q.Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?Dr Devi Shetty: No.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How would you define junk food?Dr Devi Shetty: Fried food like Kentucky, McDonald's, samosas, and even masala dosas.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. You mentioned that Indians are three times more vulnerable. What is the reason for this, asEuropeans and Americans also eat a lot of junk food?Dr Devi Shetty: Every race is vulnerable to some disease and unfortunately, Indians arevulnerable for the most expensive disease.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension?Dr Devi Shetty: No.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Is there any cure for chronic palpitations?Dr Devi Shetty: The patient should be investigated and if there is a cause for palpitation likean electrical abnormality of the heart, this can be rectified by a procedurecalled radio frequency ablation.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How would you rate the health facilities currently available in India?Dr Devi Shetty: There are institutions, which are as good or better than the ones in the USand Europe, however, they are exceptions. In general, the qualities of healthcare available to the masses are poor.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. If there is a small hole in the heart, what are the possible ways of curing it? Is operation theonly solution?Dr Devi Shetty: Small holes in children less than 6 months of age usually closes but thedecision not to operate should be taken by the specialists who are experts intreating children with heart problems.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Are emotions really controlled by the heart?Dr Devi Shetty: No. The heart is just a slave of the brain and it is the brain, which controls theemotions.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. If a person does not do any physical exercise, he is bound to have shortness of breath onexertion; say climbing stairs. Is this an indication of heart disease?Dr Devi Shetty: No. But if one has difficulty in breathing on mild exertion,it is a good idea to gofor a heart checkup.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of forwarded emailson this)?Dr Devi Shetty: Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description underthe tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unitwithout any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time,the ambulance does not turn up.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart problems?Dr Devi Shetty: No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your exercisecapacity.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house, work as a substitute forexercise?Dr Devi Shetty: Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even theact of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps a lot.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar?Dr Devi Shetty: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart attacksthan non-diabetics.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Do bypass surgeries reduce the risk of future heart attacks?Dr Devi Shetty: It significantly reduces the risk of heart attack.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation?Dr Devi Shetty: Diet, exercise, drugs on time. Control cholesterol, BP, weight.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when compared to dayshift workers?Dr Devi Shetty: No.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can you brief us about angina attack and how major it is?Dr Devi Shetty: Angina is the pain, which comes on exertion and goes away with rest andmedication. One has to be investigated in detail to plan treatment.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?Dr Devi Shetty: There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right combinationfor your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for naturalways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to reduce weight and changing attitudes towards lifestyles.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?Dr Devi Shetty: No.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. If there is about 85 percent blockage in the arteries, can the person be treated withoutsurgery? If not, what other remedies are there?Dr Devi Shetty: It depends on collateral or natural bypass, the quality of other arteries and thepower of your heart muscles. It's impossible to give an opinion without seeingthe angiography film.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. There is a feeling that bypass is unnecessarily being performed in somecases. When is bypass really needed?Dr Devi Shetty: When you have blockages affecting major arteries, bypass is the best option.I am sure conscientious doctors will not perform an operation when it is notrequired.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Is it true that mechanical valves can fail any moment?Dr Devi Shetty: No. If you take medication to prevent clot formation and maintain the INR ataccepted levels, the valve cannot get blocked. However, like any mechanicalgadget, it can fail and fortunately, such incidences are extremely low.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Can you brief me on pulmonary stenosys problems? What are the complicationsinvolved and what care needs to be taken?Dr Devi Shetty: In this condition, the pulmonary valve is narrower at birth and putting a balloon across the valve and dilating it can easily correct it.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?Dr Devi Shetty: Nature protects women till the age of 45.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q. How can one keep the heart in a good condition?Dr Devi Shetty: Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and, gofor a health checkup if you are past the age of 30 for atleast once in two yrs.And work very hard...

A - Healthy - Diet - Programme

It can reduce the weight by over 3-4 kgs in a week. Always exerciseThis Healthy Diet Programme is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being. It will improve your emotions because of its cleansing effects.After 7 days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 3 - 4 Kgs. The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the food eaten burns more calories than they give to the body in caloric value, but is completely nutritional and gives all vitamins, elements, etc. as required. This plan can be used as often as you like without any fear of complications however it is suggested that you rest for a week between each repetition.You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.YOU MUST ABSTAIN FROM ALL ALCOHOL. YOU MUST DRINK 10 GLASSES OF WATER EACH DAYDAY ONE - All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons on the first day. Especially watermelon and cantaloupe. If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing a lot of weight on the first day are very good.DAY TWO - All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large boiled potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter.DAY THREE - A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.DAY FOUR - Bananas and milk. Today you eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the vegetable soup, which may be eaten in limited quantities.DAY FIVE - Today is a feast day. You will eat sprouts and paneer and tomatoes. Eat 280 grams of sprouts and paneer. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.DAY SIX - Sprouts and paneer and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of sprouts and paneer and vegetables. Eat to your heart’s content.DAY SEVEN - Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume.Vegetables can be taken in the form of salad if desired. No dressing except malt, white vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic and herbs. No more than one teaspoon of oil. Do keep way from beans (Lima, Pinto, kidney.) because they tend to be high in calories even though they are very good for you.BEVERAGES YOU MAY CONSUME WHILE ON THE PROGRAMME.Water flavoured with lemon or lime if desired.Club sodaBlack coffee, No cream or cream substitute, No sugar or sweeteners.Black tea.No fruit juices before Day 7.HOW AND WHY IT WORKS.DAY ONE - You are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are natures perfect food. They provide everything that you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.DAY TWO - It starts with a fix of complex carbohydrates coupled with an oil does. This taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of Day 2 consists of vegetables, which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fibre.DAY THREE - Day 3 eliminates the potato because you are getting your calories from the fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning the excess pounds. You will still get cravings which will diminish by Day 4.DAY FOUR - Bananas, milk and soup sound like the least desirable and strangest diet. You are in for a surprise. You will probably not eat all the bananas that you are allowed. But they are there for the potassium you will have lost and the Sodium that you may have missed during the last 3 days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easily this day will go.DAY FIVE - Sprouts and tomatoes. The sprouts are for iron and protein. The tomatoes are for digestion and fibre. Lots and lots of water purity your system. You should notice colourless urine today. You must eat 6 tomatoes.DAY SIX - Day 6 is similar to Day 5. Iron and proteins from sprouts, vitamins and fibre iron vegetables. By now your system is a total weight lossinclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look from Day 1.DAY SEVEN - Day 7 finishes of the programme like a good cigar used to finish of the Victorian meal. Except it is much healthier. You have your system under control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it

Beauty - Profilez ● (αѕтяσℓσgι¢αℓ ѕιgηѕ), «*'¨¯¨'*mast*'¨¯¨'*»

AriesAries, as the first and fieriest sign of the Zodiac, prefers to set the trends, not follow them. If you're an Aries, depending on your generation, you were probably the first to iron your hair straight or wear glitter on your cheeks or even get that crazy Brazilian bikini wax. You like perfumes with florid, heady undertones, and you should call attention to your piercing eyes with bold shadow choices and well-groomed brows.Though you'll try anything once -- bold shades on your eyes, ultra-short pixie hair cuts or the latest skin-hydrating therapy on the market -- the one thing in your life you're most loyal to is your sleek, sexy tube of red lipstick. You probably have a dozen varieties of red, but they're all vibrant and dangerous, never coy or subtle.As a Cardinal Fire Sign, you like to get things started, but you're not so keen on finishing. This short attention span holds true for you when it comes to your beauty routine. You buy every new product that comes out, then quickly grow bored of it. Last season's discarded colors and half-used lotions pile up beneath your sink and clutter up your vanity.Although the lotions and potions you love certainly help you shine, your true beauty comes from your spontaneity and willingness to experiment. You glow with a radiant and confident energy that is its own, natural blush.Aries Beauties:Sarah Jessica ParkerAshley JuddSarah Michelle GellarTaurusEven though the symbol of Taurus is the very male bull, this Fixed Earth Sign is all about potent femininity, the kind of natural, earthy beauty that changes lives and moves mountains. Now that's better than thinking of yourself as a slow, stubborn old bull, right? Taurus women radiate a simple but powerful beauty; it's this subtlety that is a Taurus woman's greatest charm.You probably own very few cosmetic products, but what you do own is the very best (for you, at least), and you stick with a tried-and-true -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it, they say. While you appreciate a brand name, what you're really looking for is quality, and though you prefer simplicity to showiness, you know how to highlight your best features and downplay your less-than-perfections.Taurus, with your steady gaze and flawless complexion, should grow out your natural curls rather than force them straight, or keep your nails trimmed short if you just know long and sexy won't work for you. You adore the small, sensual pleasures of beauty -- sensual fabrics, natural, revitalizing skin creams and perfume with a woodsy, balsamic scent.You prefer your hair flowing naturally over your shoulder or a loose tendril falling across your forehead. It's through these tiny but generous gestures of understated femininity that you as a Taurus assert your beauty.Taurus Beauties:Uma ThurmanMichelle PfeifferAudrey HepburnGeminiAs a Gemini, you may get that tired, old split-personality tag -- but you're not internally conflicted, Gemini, you're just restless and very often brilliant! This Mutable Air Sign, blessed with all the wit and charm you could need to make it through life on guile alone, does not much interest itself with the day-to-day trappings of a beauty routine. You've got more important things on your mind -- be it world peace, spiritual fulfillment or planning the perfect vacation for your family.It's your stimulating mind, your expressive hands and that ever-talkative mouth of yours that garner all of the affectionate attention -- people can't help but look at your lovely hands as you gesticulate and make yet another insightful comment. Even though you may chew your nails down to the quick in one of your frequent fits of nervous energy, you keep any flaws hidden well with vibrant nail colors and frequent manicures. If they're not watching your hands, others will unfailingly be watching your mouth for the next witticism -- any lip color had better have staying power for the likes of you!But it's what goes on in your turbo-powered brain that wins the most admiration; calm that mind down with a lavendar-tinged perfume and make-up in shades of pinks and light blues. You gravitate to the new and the progressive, and you're not afraid of color. Your beauty comes from your animated intellect, your zest for interaction and your flexible attitude. By not taking yourself too seriously, you allow others to see the real you -- not a cosmetic fa�ade.Gemini Beauties:Lauryn HillNatalie PortmanAnnette BeningCancerAs a Cancer, a Cardinal Water Sign, you love to care for the downtrodden and very often your own needs are overlooked. Your beauty routine, then, is likely minimal -- if anything. Lucky for you, Cancers have expressive eyes and cheekbones to die for! While your sparkling, emotive eyes, chiseled bone structure and womanly proportions make you the picture of the feminine urge to nurture, there's more to you than meets the eye!From the outside, you present yourself as a sensible caregiver -- whether you're a mother or not -- but underneath, you're an emotional and sexual woman. Your beauty is of the librarian-letting-her-hair-down variety. When you do allow yourself a decadent moment, you love to luxuriate in a bubble bath or slather on avocado facemasks and loofah yourself into oblivion. You prefer the classics -- pearls, pastel colors and tried-and-true products such as baby powder and witch hazel.Your beauty comes from your generosity, your sympathetic nature and your realistic self-image. It's when you open your arms to give the world a warm hug that you become an absolute knockout.Cancer Beauties:Liv TylerMeryl StreepPrincess DianaLeoAs a Leo, you are confidence in a beautiful bottle, self-assuredness in sleek, concentrated form. When you're a Fixed Fire Sign Lion, you command an audience, and you thrive off their applause and appreciation -- that's your livelihood and sense of security. You may seem to be a spotlight-chaser, an approval-seeker, but deep down you're just a good-hearted, albeit proud, kitten, and you love nothing more than to have your soft coat stroked.And it is glorious -- your hair, that is. Just like the Lion that symbolizes your sign, your mane is your crowning achievement, so to speak, and you let it speak for you when you don't know what else to say. Moving down from there, the world sees your eyes, large and full of life and energy -- and further down from that, the world probably sees your sexy shoulders, another area of Leo pride.You spare no expense caring for your assets -- you'd walk miles and pay big for the right conditioner, and you'd sit for hours before your vanity to get a look just right. You wear vibrant colors, citrusy perfumes, and you're not afraid to take cosmetic risks to get your point across (is it any surprise Madonna's a Leo). You're not all flash, though, and your bigheartedness is not an act. Your true beauty comes from your readiness to share yourself and your gifts, your generous affection and your loyal, pure heart.Leo Beauties:MadonnaJennifer LopezVirgoSweet Virgo. You get so tired of reading about how good you are, right? Just once you'd like to hear how secretly bad you are. Well, when it comes to beauty, that's just not the case. Lurking behind your mask of perfection is … even more perfection! You carry yourself with such dignity that it would seem something sinister MUST be going on behind the scenes (you've got to wonder how Sophia Loren still looks so amazing!). Really, though, Virgo, it's just a well-regimented beauty routine and diligent good grooming.It's this Mutable Earth Sign's natural dedication to the small details that keeps you looking so stunning. Your vanity or medicine cabinet is well stocked, as you have a product for everything! Your nails are to die for, and your skin is blemish-free. You pride yourself on keeping up appearances, and delight in name-brand cosmetics that withstand the test of time and trends. Motivated as you are to present a perfect female image, you don't skimp on quality, but quantity is another story.You prefer light, feminine scents and soft, muted earth tones. Your beauty comes from your dedication and reverence of perfection and of beauty itself, as well as your pure-minded yet realistic attitude toward life.Virgo Beauties:Cameron DiazSophia LorenLibraLibras, you certainly know how to please, don't you? You know that the world wants beauty, and you always deliver. Feminine but strong, charming but never coy, you have a knack for looking fabulous with a minimum of effort. Perhaps it's the inherently captivating quality of this Cardinal Air Sign, or maybe it's the way you yearn for harmony at all costs. Maybe it's the Libran need for companionship that influences you to always look your best. Whatever IT is, it imbues you with a healthful glow, a strong and luminous life force that allows you to step out without making yourself up.Libras seem blessed somehow -- you were likely an adorable baby, a delightful child, a homecoming queen and now a goddess possessed of a decidedly ethereal yet human beauty. It has to be the skin. Since you move through life with the purpose of balance and harmony, the lack of stress shows in your supple and ageless skin. You look lovely in greens and pinks, and you bathe in warm, floral scents.You make it look effortless, but you just keep your secrets well. Right? Your beauty comes from your movie star poise, your grace and your subtly persuasive nature. You're at your most beautiful, though, when you're in love.Libra Beauties:Gwyneth PaltrowSusan SarandonCatherine Zeta-JonesScorpioOf course you've heard all the tales of lusty Scorpio, the Sign of Sex -- the escapades, the seduction, the mysterious stranger in red and black. No other Sun Sign has quite the mystique of this stinging little Scorpion. Yes, those of you born under the intense light of this Fixed Water Sign are intense and passionate, amorous and sometimes secretive.When it comes to beauty, you wrap your sensuality around you like a long, silken robe -- it envelopes your every move. Your sensuality courses through you like an electric current. While it seems as if you can't help but exude sexual energy, there's a softer side to you. You can be emotional and a loyal friend. You don't go for the musky perfumes as much as you do sweeter essences like vanilla or spicy fragrances like cinnamon.You delight in disguise and in dramatic makeovers; wigs and false eyelashes are some of the tools of your cosmetic trade. Hiding behind other personas stimulates you, and you shine when you can be a bit clever and cunning.The power of your beauty lies within this cunning; all of your expressions of beauty possess a hidden, deeper meaning, a subtext of desire, an ulterior motive. You are at your most beautiful when you channel your sly charm to energize those around you, letting the world in on the biggest Scorpio secret of all: how good it feels to be you.Scorpio Beauties:Julia RobertsGoldie HawnWinona RyderSagitariusWhile travel is an ever-present longing for Sagittarians, on a day-to-day basis this translates to a need for freedom, an intolerance for constraints and habits. You're a Mutable Fire Sign, meaning you're not only creative and innovative but highly flexible and adaptable to change -- in fact, you love change and see it as an exciting challenge.So, when it comes to your beauty routine, Sagittarius, you travel light, ready for the next adventure. Cosmetics that don't fit in your backpack, fannypack or coat pocket just get left behind; all you really need is sunscreen and lip balm to protect you from the elements and perhaps a personalized essential oil to keep you fresh during your travels.If you do decide to pretty yourself up for the evening, you'd do well to call attention to your honest, intelligent eyes and your graceful gait. You move purposefully, and you're comfortable mingling in a crowd. Bare your midriff if possible or hang your pants low on your hips -- Sagittarius rules this area of the body, so you should show it off.Your beauty comes from your spontaneous, open mind, your endless ideas and thirst for adventure, and your intelligent sense of humor. You are at your most beautiful when you grab life with both hands, your spirit flush with a vibrant life force that shines through and invigorates those around you.Sagittarius Beauties:Tina TurnerKatie HolmesCapricornYou've always been told that you're a hard-working go-getter, Capricorn, that the bedroom and, for that matter, the powder room are secondary to the boardroom in your determined climb to the top. What is often overlooked in studying this Cardinal Earth Sign is the beauty beneath your diligent, conservative exterior. Capricorns possess an ability to find order in gotohell, to find the aspect of a current trend that could become timeless and to enjoy the richness of life in careful but nonetheless enjoyable moderation.You, Capricorn, are the sensible eater with the eternally slim waistline, the one who never forgets the sunscreen. Doing right by your health and your body just comes naturally to you. You make it look so easy! Your common sense approach to the everyday routine of self-maintenance is the key, and that's why you make such a good impression in meetings or job interviews -- you instinctively know how to present yourself.It's not that you're necessarily conservative; rather, you're astute, adept at weeding out fads and identifying quality. Your elegance also shows in the confident and purposeful way you carry yourself. Pull your hair up into a sleek ponytail or keep it short -- whatever it takes to show off that beautiful neck. Warm, earthy scents suit you, as do dark, rich colors like plum, burgundy and red. Power is essential to Capricorns, and you glow when you have it. Your beauty comes from your resourcefulness and your ambition toward high-quality living.Capricorn Beauties:Diane KeatonKate MossFaye DunawayAquariusAs an Aquarius, you are a gorgeous vision of shimmering awkwardness, a lovely mess of high self-respect but occasional insecurity, a brilliant innovator with a charitable, giving heart. Your regard for the citizens of the world -- including the non-human citizens of the world -- compels you to make conscientious and respectful decisions. When it comes to beauty, you like to keep it natural and cruelty-free, but you do love a little flair here and there. You were thrilled when shimmery powders came back, and you jumped at the chance to accent your eyes with a light dusting of glitter.Underneath the socially progressive exterior of this Fixed Air Sign lurks a future fetishist -- you have a weakness for gadgets, and you love any product touted as revolutionary or new, especially if it's also all-natural. Since you bore so easily, you're always looking for the next great moisturizer, hair color or cuticle treatment.Although you have the utmost respect for yourself, you're lacking in the self-esteem department at times. You're always worrying that you don't look good enough or that you're not feminine enough. No need to worry, Water Bearer, you look stunning no matter what you do. Your beauty comes from your ability to accept yourself and make the best of the gifts you've been given. You set your own beauty standards, and this independence raises your beauty to a transcendent level. Your beauty is not of this world -- it's out of it.Aquarius Beauties:Jennifer AnistonChristina RicciOprah WinfreyPiscesAs a Pisces, you spend much time staring off into space, daydreaming of love and happiness. It's not necessarily all lace and butterflies, though, Pisces (though you probably had a hard time resisting those fluttery butterfly hairclips, right?). There's more to this moony and Mutable Water Sign than daydreams.Just because you're so flexible and chameleon-like, so fluid and wistful, does NOT mean you're wishy-washy -- leave that to Libra! Within each Pisces, there lies a resolute optimism, a nearly psychic intuition and a fertile imagination that allows you to appreciate the mysteries of life.When it comes to physical beauty, you are unconventional, a risk-taker motivated by subconscious visions and ethereal longings. Not one to follow trends, you strike out on your own in defense of your independent spirit. You loathe conformity, but despite your rebellion, people can't help but be attracted to you!When you decide to pamper yourself, pedicures are definitely in order. They are a deserved indulgence that draw attention to your beautiful feet. Lily-tinged scents keep you in a romantic mood. Your beauty comes from your open heart, your belief in the goodness of others, your sympathetic nature and the way you never shy away from saying how you feel.Pisces Beauties:Drew BarrymoreJennifer Love Hewitt

Learning To Love The Computer,

At least once per day, without fail, my computer, like every computer I have ever owned, has some kind of emotional break-down. It simply stops working ... often when I'm not touching it .. and it puts a message on the screen informing me that an Error has occurred.It does not say what the Error is, nor where it occurred.For all I know, it occurred in New Zealand, and my computer found out about it via the Internet, and became so upset that it could not go on.When this happens, I have to turn my computer off and start it up again. When I do, my computer puts a snippy note on the screen informing me that it is scanning its disks for errors, because it was shut down improperly."But I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I shout, but my computer ignores me, because it is busy scanning its disks. You just know that if it finds any errors, it's going to blame me, even though I don't even know where its disks ARE.While my computer is busy, I scan my wart. I have a wart on my right leg. It has been there for many years. I call it Buddy. I keep an eye on Buddy, in case his appearance changes. I've read that it's bad thing, medically, when a wart suddenly change own appearance or spot and the own location. If I ever look down and see that Buddy has turned green, or he's wearing a little pair of Groucho glasses, I'll know it's time to take some kind of medical action. Such as quit drinking.But my point is that because of computer weirdness, I regularly see an entire morning's work ... sometimes as many as 18 words ... get blipped away forever to the Planet of Lost Data.Needless to say, I use Microsoft Windows. I've been a loyal Windows man since the first version, which required you to write on the screen with crayons.Every year or so, Microsoft comes out with a new version, which Microsoft always swears is better and more reliable, and I always buying it I'm the loyal shopper.I bought Windows 1.0, Windows 2.0, Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1415926, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows RSVP, Windows on Strike, The Best of Windows, Windows Strikes Back, Windows Does Dallas, Windows Vista, Premium Home, The emotional & illussion (too many new names) and Windows Let's All Buy Bill Gates a House the Size of Vermont.My computers keep having seizures, but I keep buying Windows versions, hoping I'll get lucky. I'm like the loser in the Night Club who keeps hitting on the hot babe. His shoes are squishing from the pina colada she poured on him, but he's thinking: "She's warming up to me!"I bring this all up because now Microsoft has a new version out, beside the peacefull Windows XP, the Best and the Fabule of all Times the Vista.. yea the Vista and more names attached too much to list and still too.. yes toooo which according to everybody is the "most reliable Windows ever". I'm still guess how long we will going out thru open windows.. what about the Door(s)..It may next time the microsoft will switch from Vista to Open Door for all dummy users as they think creating the bugs & the Windows on purpose.. they just need more money to create new wisdom for they own.. To me, this is like saying that asparagus is "the most articulate vegetable ever." But still, I am tempted, "Maybe this will be the one," I say to Buddy, as the two of us wait for the disks to be scanned. *****If I do get Windows Vista I guess 5 this time instant of single, I won't try to install it myself. I no longer mess with the innards of my computer. The last time I tried was a disaster, even though I enlisted the aid of my friend Rob Stavis, a medical doctor who is the most mechanically inclined person I know.Rob can dissassemble and successfully reassemble a live human being.He and I recently spent an entire weekend trying to solve an allegedly simple computer problem. We wound up at the computer store, talking to guys who were trained by the Monty Python Institute of Customer Service. .......US: So, what do we need to make it work?THEM: You need a model FRT-2038 expostulating refrembulator.US: And that will make it work?THEM: NoFinally, I hired a guy named J.C., who is a Microsoft Certified Technician. He was in my Office for the better part of two days, most of it on the phone with Technical Support.It was fascinating for me, a layperson, to hear the technical termonology that J.C. used to get the information he needed: "DO NOT PUT ME ON THE HOLD, DO YOU HEAR ME? DO NOT PUT ME ... ON ... HO .. .. .. HELLO? HELLO?? YOU &$%$ (very nontechnical term)"In the end, J.C. solved the problem. So, now I'm thinking about hiring him again.Because the more I think about this Windows Vista, the better it looks, sitting over there by the bar, drinking a pina colada. All I have to do is make my move, and I'll have what every guy dreams of computer reliability!I worry about who will take care of Buddy.

Tips For Interview, have a look before going for an Interview

Your resume is the first interface you have with your employerYour resume is the first interface you have with your employer. Make the most of this opportunity............. The employment market is changing all the time and so have resumes, evolving from a one-size-fits-all standard. Here are our tips to convert your resume into a catching one.Follow These Basic Standards....*Don't overcrowd your resume; allow for plenty of white space.*Keep your resume to one page whenever possible.*Keep the number of fonts you use to a minimum -- two at the most.*Use a font that is easy to read. Times Roman works well.*Do not justify the lines of type on your resume. Allow the right side of the page to "rag."*Do not overuse capitalization, italics, underlines, or other emphasizing features.*Make sure your name, address, and a phone number appear on your resume and all correspondence, preferably at the top of the page.*Print your resume on white or cream paper using a good-quality printer.*Second- and third-generation photocopies must be avoided*Print on one side of the paper only. Avoid Mistakes:Spelling Mistakes:To avoid spelling mistakes:*Don't use words with which you aren't familiar.*Use a dictionary as you write.*Perform a spell check on your finished resume.*Carefully read every word in your resume.*Have a friend or two proof read your resume for you. Punctuation Mistakes:Things to look for:*Periods at the end of all full sentences.*Be consistent in your use of punctuation.*Always put periods and commas within quotation marks.*Avoid using exclamation points. Grammatical Mistakes:Grammar hang-ups to watch for:*Do not switch tenses within your resume.*The duties you currently perform should be in present tense (i.e., write reports)*Duties you may have performed at past jobs should be in past tense (i.e., wrote reports).*Capitalize all proper nouns.*When expressing numbers, write out all numbers between one and nine (i.e., one, five, seven), but*use numerals for all numbers 10 and above (i.e., 10, 25, 108).*If you begin a sentence with a numeral, spell out that numeral (e.g. Eleven service awards won while employed.).*Make sure your date formats are consistent (i.e.11/22/01 or Nov. 22, 2001, or 11.22.01. Choose one and stick with it.).*Choose Your Words Carefully:*Phrase yourself well:*Be on the lookout for the following easily confused words:*accept (to receive), except (to exclude)*all right (correct), alright (this is not a word)*affect (to bring about change), effect (result)*personal (private), personnel (staff members)*role (a character assigned or a function), roll (to revolve).*Use action words (i.e., wrote reports, increased revenues, directed staff). References:In most instances it is not necessary to include names and address of references on the resume. If you include a reference, make it sure that the referenced person knows very well about you. It is also advisable to add the persons as references, whom the employer can contact easily. If possible add the phone number and e-mail ID of the reference. Never add a person as a reference, about whom you know nothingSTICK TO THE POINTEmployers have a busy schedule, so don't expect them to read through a long resume. Ideally, resumes should be of one page, or of two pages only if absolutely necessary, to describe relevant work experience.WORDS COUNTUse of language is extremely important; you need to sell yourself to an employer quickly and efficiently. Address your potential employer's needs with a clearly written, compelling resume. Avoid large paragraphs (five or six lines). If you provide small, digestible pieces of information, your resume will be read. Use action verbs. Verbs such as "developed", "managed", and "designed" emphasise your accomplishments. Don't use declarative sentences like "I developed the ..." or "I assisted in ...", leave out the "I". Avoid passive constructions, such as "was responsible for managing". Just say, "managed": that sounds stronger and more active.MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR EXPERIENCEEmployers need to know what you have accomplished to have an idea of what you can do for them. Don't be vague. Telling someone that you "improved the company's efficiency" doesn't say much. But if you say that you "cut overhead costs by 20 per cent and saved the company Rs 20 lakh during the last fiscal year", you are more specific.HONESTY IS A GOOD POLICYEmployers will feel more comfortable hiring you if they can verify your accomplishments. There is a difference between making the most of your experience and exaggerating or falsifying it. A falsified resume can cost you the job later.DOUBLE-CHECK FOR MISTAKESCheck your resume for correct grammar and spelling - evidence of good communication skills and attention to detail. Nothing can ruin your chances of getting a job faster than submitting a resume filled with preventable mistakes. Make your resume easy on the eye. Use normal margins (1" on the top and bottom, 1.25" on the sides) and don't cram your text on the page. Allow for some space between the different sections. Avoid unusual or exotic fonts. Preferred fonts: Arial and Times Roman

PreparationsLet's say you are going for an interview tomorrow. You have prepared yourself well for the occasion - anticipating the questions and getting ready the answers - but have you given a thought to what you will wear?If you have not peeked into your wardrobe yet, it's time to take a real hard look now. Your application's fate depends not just on how well you answer the interview questions, but also on how well you project yourself physically. The first impression your interviewer makes about you is based on the way you look, and you know what they say about first impressions. According to Joe Hodowanes, J.M. Wanes and Associates career strategy advisor, "The way a person dresses is the single biggest non-verbal communication you make about yourself." The right dressing is a measure of the seriousness that you place on the position, as a person normally spends time on his looks if he considers an event important enough."Although proper dressing by itself will not get you the job, a poor dress sense may exclude you from further consideration," warns Gerry Ditching, managing partner of Besides, given two equally good applicants, the company may choose to hire the person who is dressed more professionally. Here are some tips to give you a headstart.MenLong-sleeved shirt and dark slacks. White is still the safest and the best color for shirts. The colour is also appropriate for our tropical weather. Also acceptable: pale shades such as beige, blue, and other pastels.Tuck in the shirt and do not roll up the sleeves. Never wear a short-sleeved shirt to an interview or any business purpose. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt will destroy your executive image. Ties. Optional. But if you do wear one, choose a conservative pattern. Solids, small polka dots, diagonal stripes, small repeating shapes, subtle plaids and paisleys are all acceptable.Belts. Belts should match your shoes. Those with smaller buckles with squared lines look more professional.Socks. Black socks are the best, followed by blue or gray, depending on your attire. Never wear white socks! Check your sock length, too--no skin should show when you sit down or cross your legs. Shoes. Black or burgundy leather shoes with laces on them, because tassel loafers are very casual. Other suitable colors are brown, cordovan and navy.Hair. Keep neat, short and preferably parted on the side. And shave off all those facial hair.Jewellery. Wear no or little jewellery. The watch and wedding ring are the only acceptable pieces of jewellery to go with the male attire. Thin gold or leather-strapped watches look professional but not digital watches. Also, avoid political or religious insignias, necklaces or bracelets. Definitely no pierced body parts, and cover up your tattoos!Accessories. As much as possible, use leather briefcases or folders to hold copies of your resume. Use narrow briefcases and avoid plastic folders and plastic ball pens as they are out of place.WomenThree-piece business suits, blouse and skirt or slacks, and cardigan twin-sets. Sleeveless shirts should be rejected. Short-sleeved blouses are okay when they are tailor-cut or have features such as a sports collar or double breast design to create a business-like look. Skirts can either be long provided it does not create a Cinderella or barn-dance look or short where it falls no shorter than two inches from the knee. Nothing too revealing, please!Panty-hose or stockings. A must for professional grooming, but nothing with overly fussy patterns. Bring an extra pair, just in case the ones you are wearing run.Shoes. Closed shoes or pumps with at least 1½-inch heels suggest a more professional look. Dark colors are best.Hair. Hair longer than shoulder length should be worn up or pulled back. Don't let it fall in front of your face and don't keep trying to fix it during the interview. Avoid large hair ornaments and trendy hairstyles.Make-up. Be subtle; natural is the key word. Light shades of lip coloring and nail polish are recommended.Jewellery. Be conservative. Studs of gold, silver or pearls are best. Do away with gaudy fashion jewelers, and those that clank and make noise when one moves.Accessories. Folders and bags should blend well with the total professional look. Women should match their purse with their shoe colour.

GDa) Be careful while you choose to discuss towards the topic or against the topic. Predict how others may depend and write downs short points in a scrap paper.c) If possible try to start first , if not no problem but try to speak atleast not keep mum.d) Be fixed to your attitude, it is if the opposite person argues strongly don't leave your topic go towards others.e) Never be in a neutral state i.e talking both towards as well as against. One girl in our batch did so. She was accepting both the arguments and she was eliminated.f) It's a discussion don't make it as DEBATE ,be cool. Don't jump on others. They test your patience too when you are at heavy argument.Patience doesn't mean silence but talk smoothly , try to convince your offenders.g) Always have a smiling face, that will carry you towards the success.h) Finally don't forget the conclude the discussion highlighting your strong points.1.Be alert abt what others r talking take a chance to give ur opinion,b sure that u have a strong n sensible point to speak out.2.Mostly ppl who initiate the talk r who conclude the talk will get through.Make sure u r anaysing the ideas of ppl there so that u can give a conclusion,there is a chance that u might b particularly asked to conclude the discussion.3.Be confident while u speak 4.Stick on the point which u r speaking( far r against) dont deviate from the topic.5.Stick on to one side either far r against till u finish unless n untill u r asked to change the side.6.Make frnds with ur grp mets know abt them(i mean their names) b4 goin.7.dont rise ur voice unnessesarily(dont speak much with out giving others a chance)A group of 10 was made and we were given a topic "Environment- Whose Responsibility".Try to initiate and plz dont start fighting to speak.They are just looking what u speak and not how much u speak.Speak relevant to topic and don't try to deviate from it.And in the end try to give a conclusion bcos more ppl are taken from those grp which finally presented some conclusion.Regarding Interview for me a panel of 3 members was there and asked me HR as well as tech q at the same time.Panel was really very gud and make u feel very comfortable.Don't try to bluff if u don't know something simply say sorry Sir/Madam I don't have any idea abt this.Rem to go thru the company website and look for same specific details like what are the major areas in which company has an expertise.Bcos 1 question is always there with every company that what do u know abt us?well I being Electronics Engineer 1st Ques was why did u choose electronics for ur specialisation.then they asked now why do u want to be a software engineer trainee?? Why don't u join ur core companies.Then why Satyam??? What do u know abt us.What prep have u done for Satyam Walkin(i.e for Written,GD and interview).Then asked abt my hobbies.I told them reading and travelling.they asked what type of books or magazines do i read?? Do i also read some journals related to my field if specialization??I said I do but i am nt regular abt journals?? He asked why so I told him that Its bcos I being from a small city its not possible to get those costly journals there.He looked satisfied and asked me how will ur hobby of travelling can help Satyam.Then he asked me to tell him abt some of my strong and weak points.Another member asked me abt my flexibilty for shifts and relocation and when can I join Satyam if I am finally given offer.Regarding technical I was asked abt difference between 8085 and 8086.Then some keys that is what is their purpose (related to microprocessors).Some q on interrupts.Then he asked me few q on C/C++.he asked what is the purpose of preprocessor.What is obj file.gave me a small code and asked the output.Asked me abt constructors.Then since in my biodata I had mentioned abt my desire to work in database he asked what is a database.What is relational database??Here I answered few q but since I have just started learning Oracle I told him frankly Sir I don't have much knowledge,I just started it a month back.Well he just asked me few more q.Fortunately I was able to tell all of them.Then he asked suppose u r given a project on a technology u don't prefer then how will u manage it?what will be ur reaction.Then he asked me abt my vocational training projects.What was my actual work there and what tech I used there.U need to be clear abt the project u have mentioned bcos they will def be asking u few q abt ur project.U can tell them any out of vocational or college projects.But be confident.That's all I rem abt interview.I hope it will help u atleast a bit for ur prep.The main thing they were looking up for was the right attitude.So Don't get panic.Remain cool and confident.As usual TELL ABOUT YOURSELFFUTURE ASPIRATIONSHOBBIESPOSITIVE AND NEGATIVE POINTS IN YOURSELF.
How To face The Interview1.Are your work practices similar or different from ours? (If Experienced)2.Describe our (products/services). 3.Describe our company for me. 4.Describe our corporate environment for me. 5.Describe your work (methods/processes) in comparison to ours? (If Experienced)6.Do our competitors do things that we should be doing? 7.Do you have any concerns about working here? 8.Do you have any questions about (our/this) company? 9.Do you know how long we have been in business? 10.Do you know what products we make? 11.How could you have prevented your (judgmental) errors? 12.How do you think our company determines success? 13.How does you present employer communicate with others in your deprtment? (If Experienced)14.Tell me how you found out information about (our/this) company? 15.Tell me what you know about (our/this) company? 16.Was there anything your company could have done to be more successful? 17.What about our company do you like best? 18.What about your present employer (do/did) you like best? 19.What advantages do you think our competitors have over us? 20.What advantages do you think we have over our competitors? 21.What are the greatest challenges that this company faces? 22.What concerns do you have about this company? 23.What direction do you think this company is headed in? 24.What do you dislike about our company? 25.What do you know about (our/this) company? 26.What do you know about (our/this) operation? 27.What do you know about our competitors? 28.What do you know about our customers? 29.What do you know about our products? 30.What do you know about our products or services? 31.What do you know about our stock? 32.What do you know about our web site? 33.What do you know about the way our company (works/operates)? 34.What do you know about this position? 35.What do you think are the challenges facing this company? 36.What do you think are the greatest challenges facing this company in the near future? 37.What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours? 38.What do you think it takes to be successful in our company? 39.What do you think the atmosphere here is like? 40.What is the financial stability of your last company? 41.What questions do you have about our organization? 42.What would make someone successful in our business? 43.What is the (best/worst) thing you have heard about (our/this) company? 44. What is the (best/worst) thing you have heard about (our/this) department? Precautions to Take-up before you enter the Interview Room For your first few interviews your background is important - your school, the medium and the place you studied in, all serve to give the interviewer an idea about you. Carry a copy of the bio-data that you have already sent, and the interview letter. Keep the extra copy with you, just in case. Show the interview letter to the receptionist/interviewer to establish your credentials, but keep this letter with you. This gives you, for your future reference, a time and date record of your interview, gives the official address of the company for further correspondence and clarifications, and may give you the name and designation of the person you are to report to. Carry everything you need for the interview in a neat folder - do not have loose papers cascading to the floor because you are desperately hunting for the degree certificate, while the interviewers drum their fingers impatiently. And don't carry your papers in a plastic or cloth shopping bag either: invest in a good folder, plastic or even leather.Incidentally, don't feel shy or hesitant about calling up the office and getting details about location, landmarks/bus routes/other information to help you reach the venue of the interview. Again, if it is not a "mass" interview, where lots of people are being interviewed on the same day, and you do have a genuine difficulty about reaching on the scheduled day/time, many employers will re-schedule if you ask them nicely enough. The reverse is also true: a good impression is created if you take the trouble to inform the interviewer that you can/will not attend the interview. If you are in the same town go and "case the joint" - see where the office/interview centre is, and how long it will take you to get there. Always arrive at least fifteen minutes before your scheduled time - that gives you time to catch your breath in case you climbed the stairs too fast, allows you to compose yourself and not be too nervous, and to check out the competition. If the interview is in the offices of the company itself, this also allows you to get a "feel" of the company. See how comfortable you feel, how efficient the interview process is. Says a lot about what the rest of the company is.

Think about the following points. Do any of them apply to you?Oversell Trying too hard to impress; bragging; acting aggressively.UndersellFailing to emphasize the fact that you have related skills; discussingexperience using negative qualifiers (i.e. "I have a little experience...").Body LanguageIt is easy to create a negative impression without even realizing that youare doing it. Are you staring at your feet, or talking to the interviewer'sshoulder? Be aware of what your actions say about you.Lack of HonestyThe slightest stretching of the truth may result in you being screened out.Negative AttitudeThe interview is not an opportunity for you to complain about yourcurrent supervisor or co-workers (or even about 'little' things, such asthe weather).Lack of PreparationYou have to know about the organization and the occupation. If youdon't, it will appear as though you are not interested in the position.Lack ofEnthusiasmIf you are not excited about the work at the interview, the employer willnot assume that your attitude will improve when hired.

The InterviewInterview is an opportunity for both the employer and the applicant to gather information. The employer wants to know if you, the applicant, have the skills, knowledge, self-confidence, and motivation necessary for the job. At this point you can be confident that the employer saw something of interest in your resume. He or she also wants to determine whether or not you will fit in with the organization's current employees and philosophy. Similarly, you will want to evaluate the position and the organization, and determine if they will fit into your career plans. The interview is a two-way exchange of information. It is an opportunity for both parties to market themselves. The employer is selling the organization to you, and you are marketing your skills, knowledge, and personality to the employer. Interview PreparationResearch is a critical part of preparing for an interview. If you haven't done your homework, it is going to be obvious. Spend time researching and thinking about yourself, the occupation, the organization, and questions you might ask at the end of the interview. Step 1: Know YourselfThe first step in preparing for an interview is to do a thorough self-assessment so that you will know what you have to offer an employer. It is very important to develop a complete inventory of skills, experience, and personal attributes that you can use to market yourself to employers at any time during the interview process. In developing this inventory, it is easiest to start with experience. Once you have a detailed list of activities that you have done (past jobs, extra-curricular involvements, volunteer work, school projects, etc.), it is fairly easy to identify your skills.Simply go through the list, and for each item ask yourself "What could I have learned by doing this?" "What skills did I develop?" "What issues/circumstances have I learned to deal with?" Keep in mind that skills fall into two categories - technical and generic. Technical skills are the skills required to do a specific job. For a laboratory assistant, technical skills might include knowledge of sterilization procedures, slide preparation, and scientific report writing. For an outreach worker, technical skills might include counselling skills, case management skills, or program design and evaluation skillsGeneric skills are those which are transferable to many work settings. Following is a list of the ten most marketable skills. You will notice that they are all generic.*Analytical/Problem Solving*Flexibility/Versatility*Interpersonal*Oral/Written Communication*Organization/Planning*Time Management*Motivation*Leadership*Self-Starter/Initiative*Team Player Often when people think of skills, they tend to think of those they have developed in the workplace. However, skills are developed in a variety of settings. If you have ever researched and written a paper for a course, you probably have written communication skills. Team sports or group projects are a good way to develop the skills required of a team player and leader. Don't overlook any abilities you may haveWhen doing the research on yourself, identifying your experience and skills is important, but it is not all that you need to know. Consider the answers to other questions such as:*How have I demonstrated the skills required in this position?*What are my strong points and weak points?*What are my short term and long term goals?*What can I offer this particular employer?*What kind of environment do I like? (i.e. How do I like to be supervised? Do I like a fast pace?)*What do I like doing?*Apart from my skills and experience, what can I bring to this job? Step 2: Know the OccupationThe second step in preparing for an interview is to research the occupation. This is necessary because in order to present a convincing argument that you have the experience and skills required for that occupation, you must first know what those requirements and duties are. With this information uncovered, you can then match the skills you have (using the complete skills/experience inventory you have just prepared) with the skills you know people in that occupational field need. The resulting "shortlist" will be the one that you need to emphasize during the interview.It is also in your best interest to identify the approximate starting salary for that position, or those similar. There are several ways to find out about an occupation:*Acquire a copy of the job description from the employer (Human*Resources/Personnel) or check with Student Employment Services. If you are responding to an advertisement, this may also supply some details. The Career Resource Centre has general information files on a variety of occupations. Make sure you have read through the appropriate file and are updated on the occupation. If you belong to a professional association related to the occupation, use its resources. These associations often publish informative newsletters and sponsor seminars. It is also a good way to meet people working in the field. Conduct information interviews with people working in the field. Read articles about people in the occupation, and articles written by people in the occupation. Sources include newspapers, magazines and the internet. Find out what the future trends are in the area. Is technology changing the job? Step 3: Know the OrganizationThe more you know about an organization, the better prepared you will be to discuss how you can meet its needs. Some of the characteristics that you should know about an organization are:*Where is it located?*How big is it?*What are its products and who does it serve?*How is the organization structured?*What is its history?*Have there been any recent changes, new developments? There are a number of ways in which you can access this information. Most medium- to large-sized organizations publish information about themselves. You can access this a number of ways:*On campus at the Student Employment Services (company literature and business directories) or at the Drake Centre Library*The Winnipeg Centennial Library has a business microfiche with information on over 5000 Canadian companies and business directories*Many companies have internet home pages which you can locate by searching by industry and company name*Finally, you can visit or phone the organization and request some information on their products, services or areas of research If the organization is fairly small, or fairly new, there may not be much information published. In this case, it will be necessary to do an information interview. Contact someone within the organization, introduce yourself, explain that you are considering moving into the field, and ask if it would be possible to meet with him/her to inquire about the company/organization and about what exactly the position would involve. Step 4: Prepare QuestionsHaving completed your background research, you are now ready to prepare questions to ask theinterviewer(s). Try to think of questions for which the answer was not readily available in companyliterature. Intelligent well thought-out questions will demonstrate your genuine interest in the position. Becareful how many questions you ask, however, as too many can imply you feel the interview was notsuccessfully run. Pick your questions with care - this is your chance to gather information, so ask aboutwhat you really want to know. Avoid sounding critical by mentioning negative information you may havediscovered. This is one of the most effective ways to compare different employers, so for issues ofparticular importance to you (for example, whether they support staff upgrading), you should ask the samequestions of each employer. Some sample questions are: *What are the most significant factors affecting your business today? How have changes in technology most affected your business today? *How has your business/industry been affected by the recession?*How has your company grown or changed in the last couple of years?*What future direction do you see the company taking?*Where is the greatest demand for your services or product?*Where is most of the pressure from increased business felt in this company?*Which department feels it the most?*How do you differ from your competitors?*How much responsibility will I be given in this position?*What do you like about working with this organization?*Can you tell me more about the training program?*Have any new product lines been introduced recently?*How much travel is normally expected?*What criteria will be used to evaluate my performance?*Will I work independently or as part of a team?*How did you advance to your position?*What are the career paths available in this organization?*When can I expect to hear from you regarding this position? It is very important to ask the last question because employers want to hire individuals who are interested in the position - and asking this question definitely helps to demonstrate interest on your part. Exercise judgement when asking questions to an employer. When being interviewed by a large company that has a high profile, one would not ask the question "What is the history of your company and how was your company started?" You can find the answer to this question in the company's annual report or articles in magazines/newspapers. However, small- and medium-sized companies do not always produce publicly available annual reports and it may be difficult to access information on the company and its role in the industry. This question is appropriate if you have exercised all other ways to find out the answer.

Go for a mock exercise before the real talk at the job tableHone your interview etiquette................ Churn the right mix of deportment, attitude and dressingskills for a great job talk !Never make the big mistake of treating an interview lightly. It's not an impromptu thing where you depend on your improvisation skills. An interview requires careful thought and planning before you take it. Keeping in mind some basic attitudes and presentation techniques will help you sail through it with panache.So if you thought that going for an interview just meant pulling your best suit out of the wardrobe and updating your resume, please think again. You are forgetting the other essentials: body language, basic etiquette and attitude.Remember that you are actually selling an entire package and the packaging, in this case, is as relevant as the product inside. Ultimately you are presenting yourself as a valuable professional to a new job environment. And you can't do that without minding the basic interview etiquette to get you ahead of the rest of the pack.An interview is the sum total of many parts. It's not just what you say but how you say it that matters equally. So it's good to brush up on more than just your training skills when you do go in for an interview.ATTIREHow you dress for an interview is perhaps as relevant as the way you lay out your resume. Says Nina Kochar of Upgrade Management Services, an organisation which coaches' executives in the basic rules of corporate etiquette: "A person who is sloppy in appearance shows a sloppy personality, so you have to be decently dressed." Of course, decently dressed does not necessarily mean being dressed to the gills. In most cases, this would mean you would wear long sleeved shirts and a pair of formal trousers. In fact, Nina Kochar does not recommend suits, especially for younger people. "A lot of young people do not have the money to invest in suits, consequently, they wear ill-fitting or borrowed suits and that looks even worse. A tie, shirt and pant should do the trick for most junior level positions."Most HR experts would also tell you to mind the accessories like ties, belts and shoes. To be sure, badly matched shoes and ties can have a jarring effect on an interviewer. Similarly, please avoid heavy jewellery or personal accessories as they would look incongruous on you.ENTRANCE AND INTRODUCTIONEven though most of us are primed for the basic grilling that we would face during the interview, we seldom pay attention to the way we enter an interview room or how we introduce ourselves. Says Subhashish Mitra, deputy manager, Essar Cellphones: "A lot of people do not think it important to knock properly while entering the interview room. They assume that as an interview is taking place, the panel will be expecting them. To my mind this is a very major faux pas which really jars."In fact, the best way to enter an interview is to knock, ask for permission to enter and then wait for a while before you actually sit down. Few interviewees know this but the interview panel needs a little quiet time to discuss the previous candidate before they get around to the next one. So your silence till you actually get seated would be very valuable. Try and keep a bag with you for all your papers and certificates; make sure this bag is an unobtrusive as possible.ATTITUDE AND RESPONSEThis is a grey area for most interview candidates. While dressing up and resume writing are skills you can Go for a mock exercise before the real talk at the job table handle with a little practice, cultivating the right attitude as an interviewee requires a lot of patience and reading between the lines. The usual complaint of most interviewers is that few interviewees are able to stri perhaps the best thing you can do for getting your answer right. Most interviewers like to give a lead to the candidate in the way they ask the question, so it's entirely up to you to note facial expressions and the tone of the words.Do you show your certificates immediately to the interview panel?Not till you are asked actually. You might already have sent in your resume, so you shouldn't try and offload all your achievements and skills onto the panel till a turn in the interview leads to such a situation.Try and take cues form the tonal variations, facial expressions and thrust of questions from the interview panel. That in itself will give you a clue as to where this interview is heading.TEN THINGS THAT AN INTERVIEWER LOOKS IN YOU!1. Family Background2. Education3. Experience4. Stability5. Initiative6. General Ability7. Interpersonal Skills8. Confidence9. Aptitude10. Pleasant LooksHow one wished that an interview were a simple meeting of minds and hearts. Just one casual meeting where an employee's future gets sealed. Unfortunately, it's not something as pre-ordained as you would like it to be; it's a pre-meditated exercise which fetches you dividends only if your homework is done right.

Great interviews arise from careful groundwork. You can ace your next interview if you:1. Enter into a state of relaxed concentration. This is the state from which great basketball players or Olympic skaters operate. You'll need to quiet the negative self chatter in your head through meditation or visualization prior to sitting down in the meeting. You'll focus on the present moment and will be less apt to experience lapses in concentration, nervousness, self-doubt and self-condemnation. 2. Act spontaneous, but be well prepared. Be your authentic self, professional yet real. Engage in true conversation with your interviewer, resting on the preparation you did prior to coming to the meeting. Conduct several trial runs with another person simulating the interview before it actually occurs. It's the same as anticipating the questions you'll be asked on a final exam. 3. Set goals for the interview. It is your job to leave the meeting feeling secure that the interviewer knows as much as he or she possibly can about your skills, abilities, experience and achievements. If you sense there are misconceptions, clear them up before leaving. If the interviewer doesn't get around to asking you important questions, pose them yourself (diplomatically) and answer them. Don't leave the meeting without getting your own questions answered so that you have a clear idea of what you would be getting yourself into. If possible, try to get further interviews, especially with other key players. 4. Know the question behind the question. Ultimately, every question boils down to, "Why should we hire you?" Be sure you answer that completely. If there is a question about your meeting deadlines, consider whether the interviewer is probing delicately about your personal life, careful not to ask you whether your family responsibilities will interfere with your work. Find away to address fears if you sense they are present. 5. Follow up with an effective "thank you" letter. Don't write this letter lightly. It is another opportunity to market yourself. Find some areas discussed in the meeting and expand upon them in your letter. Writing a letter after a meeting is a very minimum. Standing out among the other candidates will occur if you thoughtfully consider this follow up letter as an additional interview in which you get to do all the talking. Propose useful ideas that demonstrate your added value to the team. 6. Consider the interviewer's agenda. Much is on the shoulders of the interviewer. He or she has the responsibility of hiring the right candidate. Your ability to do the job will need to be justified. "Are there additional pluses here?" "Will this person fit the culture of this organization?" These as well as other questions will be heavily on the interviewer's mind. Find ways to demonstrate your qualities above and beyond just doing the job. 7. Expect to answer the question, "Tell me about yourself." This is a pet question of prepared and even unprepared interviewers. Everything you include should answer the question, "Why should we hire you?" Carefully prepare your answer to include examples of achievements from your work life that closely match the elements of the job before you. Obviously, you'll want to know as much about the job description as you can before you respond to the question. 8. Watch those nonverbal clues. Experts estimate that words express only 30% to 35% of what people actually communicate; facial expressions and body movements and actions convey the rest. Make and keep eye contact. Walk and sit with a confident air. Lean toward an interviewer to show interest and enthusiasm. Speak with a well-modulated voice that supports appropriate excitement for the opportunity before you. 9. Be smart about money questions. Don't fall into the trap of telling the interviewer your financial expectations. You may be asking for too little or too much money and in each case ruin your chances of being offered the job. Instead, ask what salary range the job falls in. Attempt to postpone a money discussion until you have a better understanding of the scope of responsibilities of the job. 10. Don't hang out your dirty laundry. Be careful not to bare your soul and tell tales that are inappropriate or beyond the scope of the interview. State your previous experience in the most positive terms. Even if you disagreed with a former employer, express your enthusiasm for earlier situations as much as you can. Whenever you speak negatively about another person or situation in which you were directly involved, you run the risk (early in the relationship) of appearing like a troubled person who may have difficulty working with others.