Monday, August 13, 2007

Beauty - Profilez ● (αѕтяσℓσgι¢αℓ ѕιgηѕ), «*'¨¯¨'*mast*'¨¯¨'*»

AriesAries, as the first and fieriest sign of the Zodiac, prefers to set the trends, not follow them. If you're an Aries, depending on your generation, you were probably the first to iron your hair straight or wear glitter on your cheeks or even get that crazy Brazilian bikini wax. You like perfumes with florid, heady undertones, and you should call attention to your piercing eyes with bold shadow choices and well-groomed brows.Though you'll try anything once -- bold shades on your eyes, ultra-short pixie hair cuts or the latest skin-hydrating therapy on the market -- the one thing in your life you're most loyal to is your sleek, sexy tube of red lipstick. You probably have a dozen varieties of red, but they're all vibrant and dangerous, never coy or subtle.As a Cardinal Fire Sign, you like to get things started, but you're not so keen on finishing. This short attention span holds true for you when it comes to your beauty routine. You buy every new product that comes out, then quickly grow bored of it. Last season's discarded colors and half-used lotions pile up beneath your sink and clutter up your vanity.Although the lotions and potions you love certainly help you shine, your true beauty comes from your spontaneity and willingness to experiment. You glow with a radiant and confident energy that is its own, natural blush.Aries Beauties:Sarah Jessica ParkerAshley JuddSarah Michelle GellarTaurusEven though the symbol of Taurus is the very male bull, this Fixed Earth Sign is all about potent femininity, the kind of natural, earthy beauty that changes lives and moves mountains. Now that's better than thinking of yourself as a slow, stubborn old bull, right? Taurus women radiate a simple but powerful beauty; it's this subtlety that is a Taurus woman's greatest charm.You probably own very few cosmetic products, but what you do own is the very best (for you, at least), and you stick with a tried-and-true -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it, they say. While you appreciate a brand name, what you're really looking for is quality, and though you prefer simplicity to showiness, you know how to highlight your best features and downplay your less-than-perfections.Taurus, with your steady gaze and flawless complexion, should grow out your natural curls rather than force them straight, or keep your nails trimmed short if you just know long and sexy won't work for you. You adore the small, sensual pleasures of beauty -- sensual fabrics, natural, revitalizing skin creams and perfume with a woodsy, balsamic scent.You prefer your hair flowing naturally over your shoulder or a loose tendril falling across your forehead. It's through these tiny but generous gestures of understated femininity that you as a Taurus assert your beauty.Taurus Beauties:Uma ThurmanMichelle PfeifferAudrey HepburnGeminiAs a Gemini, you may get that tired, old split-personality tag -- but you're not internally conflicted, Gemini, you're just restless and very often brilliant! This Mutable Air Sign, blessed with all the wit and charm you could need to make it through life on guile alone, does not much interest itself with the day-to-day trappings of a beauty routine. You've got more important things on your mind -- be it world peace, spiritual fulfillment or planning the perfect vacation for your family.It's your stimulating mind, your expressive hands and that ever-talkative mouth of yours that garner all of the affectionate attention -- people can't help but look at your lovely hands as you gesticulate and make yet another insightful comment. Even though you may chew your nails down to the quick in one of your frequent fits of nervous energy, you keep any flaws hidden well with vibrant nail colors and frequent manicures. If they're not watching your hands, others will unfailingly be watching your mouth for the next witticism -- any lip color had better have staying power for the likes of you!But it's what goes on in your turbo-powered brain that wins the most admiration; calm that mind down with a lavendar-tinged perfume and make-up in shades of pinks and light blues. You gravitate to the new and the progressive, and you're not afraid of color. Your beauty comes from your animated intellect, your zest for interaction and your flexible attitude. By not taking yourself too seriously, you allow others to see the real you -- not a cosmetic fa�ade.Gemini Beauties:Lauryn HillNatalie PortmanAnnette BeningCancerAs a Cancer, a Cardinal Water Sign, you love to care for the downtrodden and very often your own needs are overlooked. Your beauty routine, then, is likely minimal -- if anything. Lucky for you, Cancers have expressive eyes and cheekbones to die for! While your sparkling, emotive eyes, chiseled bone structure and womanly proportions make you the picture of the feminine urge to nurture, there's more to you than meets the eye!From the outside, you present yourself as a sensible caregiver -- whether you're a mother or not -- but underneath, you're an emotional and sexual woman. Your beauty is of the librarian-letting-her-hair-down variety. When you do allow yourself a decadent moment, you love to luxuriate in a bubble bath or slather on avocado facemasks and loofah yourself into oblivion. You prefer the classics -- pearls, pastel colors and tried-and-true products such as baby powder and witch hazel.Your beauty comes from your generosity, your sympathetic nature and your realistic self-image. It's when you open your arms to give the world a warm hug that you become an absolute knockout.Cancer Beauties:Liv TylerMeryl StreepPrincess DianaLeoAs a Leo, you are confidence in a beautiful bottle, self-assuredness in sleek, concentrated form. When you're a Fixed Fire Sign Lion, you command an audience, and you thrive off their applause and appreciation -- that's your livelihood and sense of security. You may seem to be a spotlight-chaser, an approval-seeker, but deep down you're just a good-hearted, albeit proud, kitten, and you love nothing more than to have your soft coat stroked.And it is glorious -- your hair, that is. Just like the Lion that symbolizes your sign, your mane is your crowning achievement, so to speak, and you let it speak for you when you don't know what else to say. Moving down from there, the world sees your eyes, large and full of life and energy -- and further down from that, the world probably sees your sexy shoulders, another area of Leo pride.You spare no expense caring for your assets -- you'd walk miles and pay big for the right conditioner, and you'd sit for hours before your vanity to get a look just right. You wear vibrant colors, citrusy perfumes, and you're not afraid to take cosmetic risks to get your point across (is it any surprise Madonna's a Leo). You're not all flash, though, and your bigheartedness is not an act. Your true beauty comes from your readiness to share yourself and your gifts, your generous affection and your loyal, pure heart.Leo Beauties:MadonnaJennifer LopezVirgoSweet Virgo. You get so tired of reading about how good you are, right? Just once you'd like to hear how secretly bad you are. Well, when it comes to beauty, that's just not the case. Lurking behind your mask of perfection is … even more perfection! You carry yourself with such dignity that it would seem something sinister MUST be going on behind the scenes (you've got to wonder how Sophia Loren still looks so amazing!). Really, though, Virgo, it's just a well-regimented beauty routine and diligent good grooming.It's this Mutable Earth Sign's natural dedication to the small details that keeps you looking so stunning. Your vanity or medicine cabinet is well stocked, as you have a product for everything! Your nails are to die for, and your skin is blemish-free. You pride yourself on keeping up appearances, and delight in name-brand cosmetics that withstand the test of time and trends. Motivated as you are to present a perfect female image, you don't skimp on quality, but quantity is another story.You prefer light, feminine scents and soft, muted earth tones. Your beauty comes from your dedication and reverence of perfection and of beauty itself, as well as your pure-minded yet realistic attitude toward life.Virgo Beauties:Cameron DiazSophia LorenLibraLibras, you certainly know how to please, don't you? You know that the world wants beauty, and you always deliver. Feminine but strong, charming but never coy, you have a knack for looking fabulous with a minimum of effort. Perhaps it's the inherently captivating quality of this Cardinal Air Sign, or maybe it's the way you yearn for harmony at all costs. Maybe it's the Libran need for companionship that influences you to always look your best. Whatever IT is, it imbues you with a healthful glow, a strong and luminous life force that allows you to step out without making yourself up.Libras seem blessed somehow -- you were likely an adorable baby, a delightful child, a homecoming queen and now a goddess possessed of a decidedly ethereal yet human beauty. It has to be the skin. Since you move through life with the purpose of balance and harmony, the lack of stress shows in your supple and ageless skin. You look lovely in greens and pinks, and you bathe in warm, floral scents.You make it look effortless, but you just keep your secrets well. Right? Your beauty comes from your movie star poise, your grace and your subtly persuasive nature. You're at your most beautiful, though, when you're in love.Libra Beauties:Gwyneth PaltrowSusan SarandonCatherine Zeta-JonesScorpioOf course you've heard all the tales of lusty Scorpio, the Sign of Sex -- the escapades, the seduction, the mysterious stranger in red and black. No other Sun Sign has quite the mystique of this stinging little Scorpion. Yes, those of you born under the intense light of this Fixed Water Sign are intense and passionate, amorous and sometimes secretive.When it comes to beauty, you wrap your sensuality around you like a long, silken robe -- it envelopes your every move. Your sensuality courses through you like an electric current. While it seems as if you can't help but exude sexual energy, there's a softer side to you. You can be emotional and a loyal friend. You don't go for the musky perfumes as much as you do sweeter essences like vanilla or spicy fragrances like cinnamon.You delight in disguise and in dramatic makeovers; wigs and false eyelashes are some of the tools of your cosmetic trade. Hiding behind other personas stimulates you, and you shine when you can be a bit clever and cunning.The power of your beauty lies within this cunning; all of your expressions of beauty possess a hidden, deeper meaning, a subtext of desire, an ulterior motive. You are at your most beautiful when you channel your sly charm to energize those around you, letting the world in on the biggest Scorpio secret of all: how good it feels to be you.Scorpio Beauties:Julia RobertsGoldie HawnWinona RyderSagitariusWhile travel is an ever-present longing for Sagittarians, on a day-to-day basis this translates to a need for freedom, an intolerance for constraints and habits. You're a Mutable Fire Sign, meaning you're not only creative and innovative but highly flexible and adaptable to change -- in fact, you love change and see it as an exciting challenge.So, when it comes to your beauty routine, Sagittarius, you travel light, ready for the next adventure. Cosmetics that don't fit in your backpack, fannypack or coat pocket just get left behind; all you really need is sunscreen and lip balm to protect you from the elements and perhaps a personalized essential oil to keep you fresh during your travels.If you do decide to pretty yourself up for the evening, you'd do well to call attention to your honest, intelligent eyes and your graceful gait. You move purposefully, and you're comfortable mingling in a crowd. Bare your midriff if possible or hang your pants low on your hips -- Sagittarius rules this area of the body, so you should show it off.Your beauty comes from your spontaneous, open mind, your endless ideas and thirst for adventure, and your intelligent sense of humor. You are at your most beautiful when you grab life with both hands, your spirit flush with a vibrant life force that shines through and invigorates those around you.Sagittarius Beauties:Tina TurnerKatie HolmesCapricornYou've always been told that you're a hard-working go-getter, Capricorn, that the bedroom and, for that matter, the powder room are secondary to the boardroom in your determined climb to the top. What is often overlooked in studying this Cardinal Earth Sign is the beauty beneath your diligent, conservative exterior. Capricorns possess an ability to find order in gotohell, to find the aspect of a current trend that could become timeless and to enjoy the richness of life in careful but nonetheless enjoyable moderation.You, Capricorn, are the sensible eater with the eternally slim waistline, the one who never forgets the sunscreen. Doing right by your health and your body just comes naturally to you. You make it look so easy! Your common sense approach to the everyday routine of self-maintenance is the key, and that's why you make such a good impression in meetings or job interviews -- you instinctively know how to present yourself.It's not that you're necessarily conservative; rather, you're astute, adept at weeding out fads and identifying quality. Your elegance also shows in the confident and purposeful way you carry yourself. Pull your hair up into a sleek ponytail or keep it short -- whatever it takes to show off that beautiful neck. Warm, earthy scents suit you, as do dark, rich colors like plum, burgundy and red. Power is essential to Capricorns, and you glow when you have it. Your beauty comes from your resourcefulness and your ambition toward high-quality living.Capricorn Beauties:Diane KeatonKate MossFaye DunawayAquariusAs an Aquarius, you are a gorgeous vision of shimmering awkwardness, a lovely mess of high self-respect but occasional insecurity, a brilliant innovator with a charitable, giving heart. Your regard for the citizens of the world -- including the non-human citizens of the world -- compels you to make conscientious and respectful decisions. When it comes to beauty, you like to keep it natural and cruelty-free, but you do love a little flair here and there. You were thrilled when shimmery powders came back, and you jumped at the chance to accent your eyes with a light dusting of glitter.Underneath the socially progressive exterior of this Fixed Air Sign lurks a future fetishist -- you have a weakness for gadgets, and you love any product touted as revolutionary or new, especially if it's also all-natural. Since you bore so easily, you're always looking for the next great moisturizer, hair color or cuticle treatment.Although you have the utmost respect for yourself, you're lacking in the self-esteem department at times. You're always worrying that you don't look good enough or that you're not feminine enough. No need to worry, Water Bearer, you look stunning no matter what you do. Your beauty comes from your ability to accept yourself and make the best of the gifts you've been given. You set your own beauty standards, and this independence raises your beauty to a transcendent level. Your beauty is not of this world -- it's out of it.Aquarius Beauties:Jennifer AnistonChristina RicciOprah WinfreyPiscesAs a Pisces, you spend much time staring off into space, daydreaming of love and happiness. It's not necessarily all lace and butterflies, though, Pisces (though you probably had a hard time resisting those fluttery butterfly hairclips, right?). There's more to this moony and Mutable Water Sign than daydreams.Just because you're so flexible and chameleon-like, so fluid and wistful, does NOT mean you're wishy-washy -- leave that to Libra! Within each Pisces, there lies a resolute optimism, a nearly psychic intuition and a fertile imagination that allows you to appreciate the mysteries of life.When it comes to physical beauty, you are unconventional, a risk-taker motivated by subconscious visions and ethereal longings. Not one to follow trends, you strike out on your own in defense of your independent spirit. You loathe conformity, but despite your rebellion, people can't help but be attracted to you!When you decide to pamper yourself, pedicures are definitely in order. They are a deserved indulgence that draw attention to your beautiful feet. Lily-tinged scents keep you in a romantic mood. Your beauty comes from your open heart, your belief in the goodness of others, your sympathetic nature and the way you never shy away from saying how you feel.Pisces Beauties:Drew BarrymoreJennifer Love Hewitt

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