Monday, August 13, 2007


Dandruff is common problem for both dry and oily hair. During summer, the oil glands of our hair
produce extra oil which keeps the skin of our scalp soft. At the time of dandruff, these glands produce
extra oils. It also brings about change which unbalances the structure of this oil.

There are two kinds of dandruff:

1. Dry Dandruff: Dry dandruff is identified with small white patches of rusting on our scalp which results
in itching sensation. While itching or combing this rusting sheds off. We can get rid of it merely by oil massage.


Add one spoon of caster oil to coconut oil and apply this mixture on the skin of your scalp gently and leave it
for half an hour. Thereafter shampoo your hair.

Take half cup of curd and put fenugreek into it. Upon fenugreek becoming wet, prepare a paste after grinding
and apply this paste to hair roots carefully and leave it for two hours. Then shampoo your hair.

Add lemon juice to the juice of Neem leaves and apply it to hair roots. Leave it for 30 minutes and then
wash your hair.

To avoid dandruff, we should apply a spoonful of almond oil alongwith the juice of Amla to the hair.
It also prevents premature graying of hair.

Massage your Hair with coconut oil. Wrap a wet towel wrung out of hot water around hair and shampoo hair
the next day. This must be done twice a week.

2. Oily Dandruff: This problem is faced mostly by those who have oily skin. This is identified with white minute
particles in our hair. While combing or itching, these white particles spread in hair which results into itching
sensation. Sometimes this dandruff is of light yellow colour and sticky as well. It also causes foul smell.
The continued persistence of this kind of Dandruff may cause falling of hair.


Wash your hair with a branded anti-dandruff Shampoo regularly.

After shampoo, rinse your hair with lemon juice or Vinegar. This will remove grease out of the hair.

Do not use Conditioner on oily hair.

Avoid excessive combing and massaging, it makes oil glands overactive.

Avoid mental tension, it aggravates dandruff.

Put two spoons of fenugreek in water and leave the mixture overnight. Prepare a paste and apply it to roots
of hair. Shampoo hair after half an hour. Repeat the process twice a week.

Apply fuller’s earth paste to hair and rinse them after they become dry. Fuller's earth paste opens up the
blocked pores, makes skin clean and thus assists in removing oily dandruff.

A Shampoo containing Lemon, Mint, Neem, Tulsi and Henna is the best option for oily dandruff.

Avoid excessive use of Hair Dryer.

Put Neem leaves in hot water, let it cool little bit and rinse your hair with it as Neem contains antiseptic
properties. Otherwise you can make paste of Neem and curry leaves & leave for 15 minutes & rinse.

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